Welcome to LMI Journals

At Link Medical Interface, we proudly present our portfolio of distinguished, peer-reviewed medical and health journals. Each journal is dedicated to disseminating cutting-edge research and insightful discussions across various health science disciplines. Our journals serve researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, providing valuable insights and practical applications to improve health outcomes.

Contact Information

As we progress towards achieving international indexation, including inclusion in Web of Science, Scopus, and Q rankings, we kindly request JHRR authors to complete the attached form. This is essential for verifying ORCID IDs and ensuring we have your current email addresses.

CPD Portfolio/Certificate of Excellence
In recognition of your contributions, the Link Medical Interface, on behalf of the Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research, will issue a Certificate of Excellence. This certificate can enhance your CPD portfolio and serve as a credential at both national and international levels.

Free Membership
Furthermore, upon successful verification, currently, we are granting a lifetime membership to our esteemed global community, the Link Medical International Alliance

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to advancing our field.

Best Regards
Editorial Team
JHRR, Link Medical Interface (PVT), Limited, Lahore, Pakistan

Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Research (JHRR)

Focus: Health Research, Medical and Allied Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, Linked Sciences to Human Healthcare.
Frequency: Bi-Annual (June 2021 - December 2023); Quarterly (January 2024 onwards)
ISSN: 2791-156X
Publisher: Link Medical Institute
Website: Visit JHRR

Link Medical Journal of Health and Community Research (LMJHCR)

  • Focus: Public health, healthcare management, disease prevention, global health challenges.

  • Frequency: Bi-Annual

  • ISSN: 3007-3448

  • Publisher: Link Medical Interface, Lahore, Pakistan

  • Website: Visit LMJHCR

Journal of Wellness and Community Research (JWHCR)

Focus: Public health, community wellness, epidemiology, behavioral health, chronic diseases, environmental and global health.
Frequency: Bi-Annual
ISSN: 3007-0570
Publisher: Link Transdisciplinary Institute
Website: Visit JWHR